It is advisable to wait at least 1-2 hours after a meal before exercising to avoid discomfort. However, a small light snack before training can be beneficial.

The frequency of training varies according to your goals and fitness level. Generally, at least 3-4 times per week is recommended for effective results.

Comfortable clothes and sports shoes are essential. Also, don't forget a bottle of water to keep you hydrated, a towel and a lock for the lockers.

Cardiovascular training focuses on improving cardiovascular endurance and burning calories, while resistance training focuses on muscle strengthening and strength development.

Yes, it is important to warm up before any workout to prepare the muscles and reduce the risk of injury. It includes gentle stretching and movements to increase blood circulation.

About us

The Gym

Our Mission

At "THE GYM", our mission is to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle for everyone in the city of Tunja, promoting universal access to our facilities. We strive to be an inclusive space where every individual, regardless of their fitness level, can find the necessary support to improve their overall well-being.


Expand your training horizons with our range of accessories. From warm-up to cool-down, improving your body day by day: stability, mobility, power and speed.


Discipline + Motivation = Results

Focus is the compass that guides our actions and decisions. It is the ability to direct our attention and energy towards a specific objective, blocking distractions and maintaining concentration. Clear focus allows us to maximize our productivity, achieve goals and overcome obstacles. At The GYM, we value the power of focus as a catalyst for success.

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we will get

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